8 signs you’ve lived a past life—and some are pretty common (2024)

Like many other zillennials, manifesting and horoscopes have somehow made their way into my daily sphere. But, as talk around our “past life” becomes a surprisingly accepted topic of conversation, it may be a little more than my sceptical Capricorn brain can get on board with.

For the uninitiated, a “past life” or “alternative life” refers to the view that one’s soul or spirit has lived a life (or lives) before this one—it’s a belief that’s as old as time itself. Reincarnation is a central tenet in religions including Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism, but it can be a pretty alien concept for Western ideologies. Even so, searches for “past life” spiked in the UK around the summer of 2020 at the height of the pandemic. But since the start of the year, interest is beginning to steadily climb again, according to Google data.

So, what gives? Both horoscopes and past lives seek to make sense of our world–and the people in it–in more alternative ways. Both can help forge connections (fellow zodiac signs can identify similar motivations, past lives could untangle instant synergy when you inexplicably click with another person). But they also challenge the idea that there’s nothing more to this world than the rational (and pretty complicated) place we find ourselves in. There’s escapism and possibility to be found in astrology and spirituality, which could explain why it’s increasingly being entertained by whole new generations. And, if we leave ourselves open to the idea that there’s more to this life than what’s plainly visible, who knows? Perhaps there’s a lot more we can discover about ourselves. Fantasy or not, taking a spiritual leap can be cathartic.

Which brings us back to past lives. We asked multidisciplinary energy healer and hypnotherapist Fatima Muhtaseb from Kingston Hill Clinic to guide us through the signs you might have lived a past life. She offers past-life therapy, or past-life regression (a form of hypnotherapy to explore previous lives or incarnations).

Unexplained feelings

If you regularly experience lingering emotions that you can’t place, it could be a sign that they’re coming through from a past life, according to Fatima. “For instance, feeling overly sad, disempowered or lonely may have its root in a past life,” she says. “It’s that feeling that something is not right even though everything seems fine. It comes up a lot with people who are settled in a good job and yet, they’re not happy in their work life. I had a client who felt blessed, but she didn’t feel relaxed or positive. When hypnotised, she saw herself as a male farmer who was the sole breadwinner of his family. She realised she had brought into this lifetime this spirit of having to work hard to support her family. However, all her children were grown up and financially independent. At the end of the session, she decided to retire and enjoy being a grandparent with her husband.”

Spontaneous visions and recurring dreams

Ever had a dream or vision that felt weirdly familiar or realistic? It could be rooted in past life experience. “I’ve had clients who remembered spontaneous visions they’d had, most often during their childhood. These visions could be of them being in a foreign land, being of a different gender, dressed in a historical way or surrounded by people they’ve never met. The memory of these visions made them curious to find out about their past lives,” explains Fatima. “Famously, psychiatrist Dr. Brian Weiss worked with a client called Catherine with whom he used hypnotherapy and regression. To his surprise, she started revealing past life traumas that were explaining her recurrent nightmares and anxieties. Although he was sceptical at first, past life regression therapy later became a huge part of his career,” she adds.

An affinity with a time period or with a culture

There are some people that just seem like they’re from a different era. This could be anything from their mannerisms, to the books they like to read or the clothes they like to wear. “Some people feel unexplainably curious about a particular time in history or a distinct culture. I’ve had a male client who read a lot about the Middle Ages. When in trance, he found himself in medieval Europe and he healed feelings of loneliness and guilt due to misconnections rooted in those lifetimes,” says Fatima.

Unusual birthmarks

Fatima told us about research linking birth marks to past lives. “Dr. Ian Stevenson (an American psychiatrist at the University of Virginia Medical School) examined cases of children with spontaneous past life memories who had birthmarks that matched the wound of the deceased person whose life they seemed to remember,” she said. A study carried out by Stevenson found an astonishing link between the birth marks of children who reported memories of a past life, and the death of the person from that past life (where they were able to be identified and their death verified). For instance, one child remembered the life of a man, Maha Ram, who was killed with a shotgun fired at close range. He had been shot on the lower right side of his chest, which was where the child had a hypopigmented birthmark.

Unexplained feelings towards someone

We’ve all heard of instant connections, but there may be more to them. “This is when two people meet and they already know how they feel about one another. This sometimes forms relationships that are inexplicably challenging because something unhealed is carried from a past life to this one. It can also be the foundation for a loving friendship or partnership, or even a sound work relationship,” says Fatima. Our soul mate could be the person our soul connected to in a life before this one.

Knowing an unvisited location

If you’ve ever experience déjà vu when visiting somewhere new, it could be a sign you’ve been there in a time before this one. “Some people visit a city for the first time and yet seem to know it like the back of their hands,” says Fatima.


Some believe that xenoglossy is evidence that past lives exist. “This is a rare and paranormal phenomenon where a person is able to speak, understand or even write in a language they have never been exposed to, in their current lifetime,” says Fatima. However, some experts argue that there is no scientifically-proven evidence of its existence and there are very few cases to verify the phenomenon.

A hidden talent

More popular is the belief that the ability to pick up a language quickly, amongst other skills—like a gift for playing musical instrumentsare pulled through from a past life. “Some people hypothesise that child prodigies may have learnt their skills in a prior lifetime,” says Fatima.

8 signs you’ve lived a past life—and some are pretty common (2024)


8 signs you’ve lived a past life—and some are pretty common? ›

These individuals are often found reminiscing about days gone by with a rosy-eyed nostalgia, painting a picture of the past as a time when everything was better. They might seem stuck in a time warp, constantly comparing present situations to past experiences and often finding the present lacking.

How do you know that you live in the past? ›

These individuals are often found reminiscing about days gone by with a rosy-eyed nostalgia, painting a picture of the past as a time when everything was better. They might seem stuck in a time warp, constantly comparing present situations to past experiences and often finding the present lacking.

How do you know if I have lived? ›

Common signs and symptoms of lice include: Intense itching on the scalp, body or in the genital area. A tickling feeling from movement of hair. The presence of lice on your scalp, body, clothing, or pubic or other body hair.

What is a past life regression session? ›

Past Life Regression (PLR)

A PLR session guides you out of the noise and into a deeply quiet and peaceful state where it's far easier to locate the memories held in your subconscious mind. Past Life Regression can help you to: Reconnect with past life experiences.

What are the traces of past life called? ›

Fossils are the remains or traces of once living plants or. animals that typically were buried in layers of sediment. Over time, these sediments turned to layers of sedimentary rock, preserving entombed remains as fossils. Paleontology is the scientific study of fossils.

How do I stop thinking about my past life? ›

How to let go of the past
  1. Make a commitment to let go. The first step toward letting go is realizing that it is necessary and feeling ready to do so. ...
  2. Feel the feelings. Memories of past events can bring up complex or strong emotions. ...
  3. Take responsibility. ...
  4. Practice mindfulness. ...
  5. Practice self-compassion.
Mar 4, 2021

How do you know your old soul? ›

There's no hard-and-fast definition of an old soul, but below you'll find some of the most commonly recognized traits.
  1. Material possessions don't matter much to you. ...
  2. You focus on meaningful connections. ...
  3. You need a lot of time alone. ...
  4. You have high empathy. ...
  5. You spend a lot of time thinking about how to make a difference.
Nov 18, 2020

What happens when you constantly live in the past? ›

Feeling unable to let go of the past can lead to clinical depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or even suicide. Pain has a way of making us feel stuck. In times of emotional pain, we may find ourselves thinking back to when we felt happier which can help motivate us in the present.

How do you know how many years you have left to live? ›

The life expectancy for the average woman in the United States is 81 years and 2 months. For men, it's 76 years and 5 months. These are the most recent estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Just subtract your current age from those numbers for a rough estimate of how many years you have left.

How do you know if you've fallen out of live? ›

Common signs that you might be falling out of love include:
  • Not enjoying spending time with your partner.
  • Feeling irritated by your partner's presence, quirks, and habits.
  • Losing interest in what's going on in your partner's life.
  • Not feeling attracted to them anymore.
May 21, 2024

How do I know if I'm living in the moment? ›

Living in the present means being aware of what is happening right here and now. Including being aware that you are having thoughts about the past or the future. And knowing that they are just thoughts, not reality. It might become reality one day, but it also might not.

How do you know you've made it in life? ›

You've made it when you truly believe you have nothing to prove. You know when to strive for a goal and when to cut your losses, and you don't care what anyone thinks of that. You make your decisions based on your own version of success and you appreciate that it's different to the versions of others.

How do you know if you have past life trauma? ›

Signs of Past Life Trauma

Here are some common signs that may indicate past life trauma: Unexplained fears or phobias. Recurring nightmares or dreams. Unexplainable physical pain or illness.

How do I know my past life? ›

Keep a dream journal to watch for patterns.

You might actually experience past life memories while you're dreaming. Writing down your dreams can help you recognize recurring themes or dreams that feel more “real” to you. After you wake up, immediately jot down everything you remember so you can interpret it.

What are the dangers of past life regression? ›

The greatest risk in past life regressions is that the hypnotist may implant false memories in the subject, and due to suggestibility, the subject may come to feel them as quite real. This implantation of false memories need not even be intentional.

Are we still living in the past? ›

Not necessarily. While it is true that our experience of the present is always a few moments behind physical reality, it is still a real and valid experience. Our brains are able to make up for the processing delay and create a seamless experience of the world around us.

What happens if you keep living in the past? ›

Feeling unable to let go of the past can lead to clinical depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or even suicide. Pain has a way of making us feel stuck. In times of emotional pain, we may find ourselves thinking back to when we felt happier which can help motivate us in the present.

What is the past life astrology? ›

Past Life Astrology examines karmic themes within each sun-sign and then goes on to show how these themes are played out throughout life, meaning you can start to apply the information in a practical way to your own soul journey, wherever you are in this lifetime.

How to connect with your past life? ›

Engaging in spiritual practices like yoga, meditation, or energy healing can enhance your connection to past life memories. These practices can help to quiet the mind, open the heart, and raise your vibration, making it easier for you to access deeper levels of consciousness where past life memories reside.


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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.