six realms of rebirth (2024)

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(Skt., ṣaḍ-gati). The six levels that make up the possible range of existence within saṃsāra. These are the realms of the gods (deva), the demi-gods (asura), humans (manuṣa), animals (tiryak), hungry ghosts (preta) and hell denizens (naraka). Generally Buddhism tends to teach that these levels are real modes of existence although some forms of Buddhism, especially within Mahāyāna.emphasize that they are rather more like symbolic of states of mind or modes of experience. According to Mahāyāna teachings, rebirth in each of these modes of existence is brought about by a predominance of a particular spiritual defilement (kleśa): as a god through pride, a demi-god through jealousy, human through lust, animal through stupidity, hungry ghost through greed and hell-denizen through hatred. These six levels are depicted in the popular Tibetan Wheel of Life (bhavacakra) paintings.


Reference entries
six realms of rebirth

in A Dictionary of BuddhismLength: 144 words

six realms of rebirth (2024)


What are the six realms of rebirth in Buddhism? ›

(Skt., ṣaḍ-gati). The six levels that make up the possible range of existence within saṃsāra. These are the realms of the gods (deva), the demi-gods (asura), humans (manuṣa), animals (tiryak), hungry ghosts (preta) and hell denizens (naraka).

What are the six realms of samsaric existence? ›

Buddhist cosmology typically identifies six realms of rebirth and existence: gods, demi-gods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts and hells.

What are the six heavens in Buddhism? ›

In Buddhism, there are "Yāmā devāḥ", "Tush*tānāṃ", "Nirmāṇaratayaḥ devāḥ", and "Paranirmita-vaśavartinaḥ devāḥ" above Trāyastriṃśa and "Catumaharajika" below. They are called the six heavens together with Śakro devānām (Śakra). More heaven "Sunirmita devāḥ" is sometimes added to these depending on sūtras.

What are the six realms of suffering? ›

Although suffering pervades all six, there is more comfort and pleasure in the higher realms, and more suffering in the lower realms. These realms can be understood literally or figuratively. The Buddha's teachings present them as what we would consider actual states of being.

What are the 7 different realms? ›

The Seven Realms include the mountainous Queendom of the Fells, the Kingdom of Tamron, the Kingdom of Arden, the southern Kingdoms of Bruinswallow and We'enhaven, the Southern Islands, and the Northern Islands.

What are the 6 in Buddhism? ›

The six are (1) generosity (dāna), (2) morality (śīla), (3) patience (kṣānti), (4) vigor (vīrya), (5) concentration (dhyāna), and (6) wisdom (prajñā). This list was expanded to complement the ten stages (bhūmi) traversed by a bodhisattva in the course leading to full buddhahood.

How many hells are there in Buddhism? ›

The sun and moon in the divine sky with their great power are unable to reach that [darkness] with their light. In [that space between the two diamond mountain ranges] there are eight major hells. Along with each major hell are sixteen smaller hells. The first major hell is called Thoughts.

What are the six sufferings of samsara? ›

Then there are also the six kinds of suffering: an uncertain lifespan, indefinite rebirth, repeated conception, fluctuations of loss and gain, the fact that we are alone at birth and alone at death. But this isn't all.

What are the three poisons of samsara? ›

Brief description. In the Buddhist teachings, the three poisons (of ignorance, attachment, and aversion) are the primary causes that keep sentient beings trapped in samsara. These three poisons are said to be the root of all of the other kleshas.

What are the 7 worlds of Buddhism? ›

The worlds are, in ascending order of the degree of free will, compassion and happiness one feels, the worlds of: (1) hell, (2) hungry spirits, (3) animals, (4) asuras, (5) human beings (6) heavenly beings, (7) voice-hearers, (8) cause-awakened ones, (9) bodhisattvas, and (10) Buddhas.

What is the number 33 in Buddhism? ›

In religion and mythology

The number of deities in the Vedic Religion is 33. The second level of heaven in Buddhism is named Trāyastriṃśa, meaning "of the 33 (gods)." The divine name Elohim appears 33 times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis.

How many realms of existence are there? ›

The ten realms are part of Buddhist cosmology and consist of four higher realms and six lower realms derived from the Indian concept of the six realms of rebirth. These realms can also be described through the degrees of enlightenment that course through them.

What are the levels of reincarnation? ›

What can a person be reborn as? Within Buddhism there are five or six possible forms that rebirth can take. These are from the highest to the lowest: gods, demi-gods, human, animal, hungry ghost and hell creature.

What are the six heavens of desire? ›

Beings in the six heavens are dominated by desire. The six heavens are, in ascending order, the Heaven of the Four Heavenly Kings, the Heaven of the Thirty-three Gods, the Yāma Heaven, the Tush*ta Heaven, the Heaven of Enjoying the Conjured, and the Heaven of Freely Enjoying Things Conjured by Others.

What are the 31 planes of existence? ›

These 31 planes of existence comprise 20 planes of supreme deities (brahmas); 6 planes of deities (devas); the human plane (Manussa); and lastly 4 planes of deprivation or unhappiness (Apaya). The 31 planes are divided into three separate levels or realms: Arupaloka, Rupaloka and Kamaloka.

What are the different types of rebirth in Buddhism? ›

Within Buddhism there are five or six possible forms that rebirth can take. These are from the highest to the lowest: gods, demi-gods, human, animal, hungry ghost and hell creature.

What are the 10 forms of realms according to Buddha? ›

The worlds are, in ascending order of the degree of free will, compassion and happiness one feels, the worlds of: (1) hell, (2) hungry spirits, (3) animals, (4) asuras, (5) human beings (6) heavenly beings, (7) voice-hearers, (8) cause-awakened ones, (9) bodhisattvas, and (10) Buddhas.

What is the Buddhist process of rebirth? ›

The cycle of rebirth is called samsara. and it is an ongoing cycle of life, death and rebirth. Humans go through an unknown number of cycles of rebirth over many lifetimes. Skilful actions lead to a good rebirth and unskilful actions lead to a bad rebirth.

What is the staff of the six realms? ›

The Six Realms Staff is a sacred staff in the form of an oversized prayer wheel. The staff stores the power of the six guardian Buddhas of the six realms in Buddhism, allowing it to change its form to another type of weapon or tool based on wielders emotions.


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